Monday, November 08, 2004

Habits die hard..?

Toddlers tend not to stop sucking at their thumbs no matter wat u do to distract them...i gess am one helluva toddler then, blogging is like this new addiction am...welll...addicted to...!
talking of habits, i always ponder over their classification into good and bad..... as in ,u bite ur nails, it is bad-(spank on the head) bad habit. u trim them regularly, gooood(pat on ur back)-good habit...bppppaaah! c'mon u...serves the same purpose anyways right...??
and u do not pursue a habit bcoz u dislike the same, u looooove biting ur nails (in situations where the secondary alternative is......peeing in ur pants@#!) ..u find it Good and henceforth veritably term it, " Goodhabit "....ooootherwiseeeee, only when it is left to the observers' discretion.
So 'cheers' to all those manual nail cutters, who if given a chance could bite their fingers off..... but dont u dare forget tht, 'picking your nose' was always a bad habit and i see u guys preeetttyyy close to the nasal BEWARE, this good habit harbours a kind of self- satisfaction phenomena, of having bitten away all ur bitter troubles, but dumps u in this quagmire of lost self-respect and wat not.!!..(getting carried away is smthing i was born with and is eternally in my genetic makeup...very evident here though)

NB: the truth remains, tht i have always been fascinated by this very art of self-grooming(nail biting included), and i need honest opinion on its repercussions.